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Korean Dictionary With Nextjs and React Native

·212 words·1 min
Jono Sue
Jono Sue

This app was created as a way to experiment with some modern front end technologies that support the NextJS and React Native stack, while at the same time, providing a tool which i could use to learn Korean.

It’s a simple dictionary lookup which is quick and to-the-point. The current dicitonary service provided by Naver is great but it often has a lot more information than i need as a Korean learner. Not to mention, its mobile app is just the embedded web app which is clunky and slow.

Check out the live version of the mobile app here

The backend and web app is a NextJS app hosted on vercel, and the mobile app hooks into this backend using TRPC. This stack was based on the T3 turbo stack in this repository:

It was a great starting point for creating an end-to-end typesafe application where i could learn about some smart ways to structure projects to faciliate code sharing.

The app is basic at this stage, no doubt about that. But this is a work in progress which i hope to add more capabilities as time goes on.

Roadmap #

  1. UX Improvements

    In progress

    Make it less ugly

  2. More Examples

    Not started

    Add natural conversations and images using generative AI