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ThreeJS Terrarium

·141 words·1 min
Jono Sue
Jono Sue

After discovering ThreeJS through some community projects i was inspired to create my own. I was particularly interested in how much effort it would take for someone who had absolutely no knowledge of the world of 3D graphical computing to make something more interesting than a spinning square.

So i came up with the idea of creating a virtual set of rooms that each had it’s own unique environment where i could showcase my journey with ThreeJS and experiment with different ideas.



Check out the live version here:

  1. Forest

    In progress

    Step into a tranquil forest where sunlight weaves through trees

  2. Storm

    not started

    Nature's percussion: a thunderstorm's electrifying symphony, illuminating the sky with dazzling flashes and unleashing torrents of wild, untamed rain.

  3. Ocean

    not started

    Boundless water realm, shaping climate, concealing mysteries, teeming with life.